St Peter's Whitstable
St Peter's Church is situated on Sydenham Street in the quiet residential part of Whitstable next to Harbour Street, and just a few hundred yards from the harbour.
We welcome everyone to our inclusive church community, either online or in person when we can. Currently the church is open for private prayer on Tuesdays between 10-11.30am. Whether you are visiting or local, you are very welcome to enjoy the stillness and beauty of this sacred space.
Our gathered worship on Tuesdays and Sundays is eucharistic with preaching from lay and ordained ministers. We encourage all enquiries about the faith and baptisms, weddings or funerals, and welcome prayer requests, so please do get in touch if you would find it helpful. |
Sunday Services in March
Maundy Thursday 28th March
7 pm Sung Eucharist - Fr Chris Morgan-Jones, Preacher The Rev’d Rachel Webbley
Good Friday 29th March
Noon Liturgy of the Cross - Fr Chris Morgan-Jones
(Holy Saturday 30th March
7pm Easter Vigil at St Alphege Church in the High Street)
Sunday 31st March EASTER DAY
10.45 pm Sung Eucharist - Fr Chris Morgan-Jones, Preacher: Dr Julie Hopkins
7 pm Sung Eucharist - Fr Chris Morgan-Jones, Preacher The Rev’d Rachel Webbley
Good Friday 29th March
Noon Liturgy of the Cross - Fr Chris Morgan-Jones
(Holy Saturday 30th March
7pm Easter Vigil at St Alphege Church in the High Street)
Sunday 31st March EASTER DAY
10.45 pm Sung Eucharist - Fr Chris Morgan-Jones, Preacher: Dr Julie Hopkins
Sunday Services in April
Sunday 7th April The 2nd Sunday of Easter
10.45 am Sung Eucharist - Fr Chris Morgan-Jones
6.30 pm Sung Evensong - Dr Julie Hopkins
Sunday 14th April The 3rd Sunday of Easter
10.45 am Sung Eucharist - The Rev’d Rachel Webbley
Sunday 21st April The 4th Sunday of Easter
10.45 am Sung Eucharist - The Rev’d Claude Gayle
Sunday 28th April The 5th Sunday of Easter
10.45 am Sung Eucharist - Fr Chris Morgan-Jones, Preacher: Dr Julie Hopkins
10.45 am Sung Eucharist - Fr Chris Morgan-Jones
6.30 pm Sung Evensong - Dr Julie Hopkins
Sunday 14th April The 3rd Sunday of Easter
10.45 am Sung Eucharist - The Rev’d Rachel Webbley
Sunday 21st April The 4th Sunday of Easter
10.45 am Sung Eucharist - The Rev’d Claude Gayle
Sunday 28th April The 5th Sunday of Easter
10.45 am Sung Eucharist - Fr Chris Morgan-Jones, Preacher: Dr Julie Hopkins
Welcome to St Peter’s
St Peter’s Church will be open for private prayer and quiet from 10 to 11.30am on Tuesdays.
There is also a 10am Eucharist every Tuesday. Everybody is most welcome.
There is also a 10am Eucharist every Tuesday. Everybody is most welcome.