Baptism at St Peter's
Baptism is a significant entry point into the Christian family and represents a very important spiritual moment in the baptised child or adult's life.
We welcome all enquiries for Baptism (also known as "Christening") at St Peter's. Before you go ahead and book a baptism you may want to explore more by clicking the picture on the right on The Church of England Baptism.
If you want to go ahead and book a service or discuss the matter further please Get In Touch. There is no charge for a baptism service.
If you live in the parish of Whitstable, it is fine for you or your child to be baptised (christened) here.
If you live elsewhere please can you contact you local vicar first before contacting us, just to check he or she is happy that you come to us for the service.
We do not expect you to bring a letter from us; this is entirely on trust. At St Peter’s you do not have to be married to have your child baptised, although we are obviously keen that you do consider marriage as we believe it provides the best context in which to raise children.
Parents and godparents should already be baptised. If you have someone in mind to be a godparent who is not baptised, or if you are a parent and are not baptised, please contact the Vicar, the Reverend Rachel Webbley. Baptisms take place during the main Sunday morning service which start at 10.45am and finish at about 12.00pm.
It is possible, if you are not keen on making the promises of baptism, to go for a service of thanksgiving, which is a very special service in itself. The web-link above has details of this option. It is important that you contact the Reverend Rachel Webbley about this before you go along to the church, so please Get In Touch.
We welcome all enquiries for Baptism (also known as "Christening") at St Peter's. Before you go ahead and book a baptism you may want to explore more by clicking the picture on the right on The Church of England Baptism.
If you want to go ahead and book a service or discuss the matter further please Get In Touch. There is no charge for a baptism service.
If you live in the parish of Whitstable, it is fine for you or your child to be baptised (christened) here.
If you live elsewhere please can you contact you local vicar first before contacting us, just to check he or she is happy that you come to us for the service.
We do not expect you to bring a letter from us; this is entirely on trust. At St Peter’s you do not have to be married to have your child baptised, although we are obviously keen that you do consider marriage as we believe it provides the best context in which to raise children.
Parents and godparents should already be baptised. If you have someone in mind to be a godparent who is not baptised, or if you are a parent and are not baptised, please contact the Vicar, the Reverend Rachel Webbley. Baptisms take place during the main Sunday morning service which start at 10.45am and finish at about 12.00pm.
It is possible, if you are not keen on making the promises of baptism, to go for a service of thanksgiving, which is a very special service in itself. The web-link above has details of this option. It is important that you contact the Reverend Rachel Webbley about this before you go along to the church, so please Get In Touch.